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O LibreOffice 7.1.2 está disponível para os seguintes sistemas operativos e arquiteturas: Linux x64 (deb) Linux x64 (rpm) macOS x86_64 (10.10 ou mais recente) Windows; Windows x86_64 (Windows 7 ou mais recente) Versões disponíveis. O LibreOffice está disponível nas seguintes versões: 7.1.2; 7.1.1; 7.0.5; 6.4.7 LibreOffice is the free power-packed Open Source personal productivity suite for Windows. Software Free Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP x64, Windows 8 Downloads Total: 192,430 | Last week: 125 Ranking #2 in Word Processing Software Macromedia Flash 8 8.0 Macromedia Flash 8 Professional. LibreOffice. Windows and Linux users can choose to download and install the offline Help for use For information about certified professional support, see The Document Foundation’s website: choose the Object Type “LibreOffice 7.0 Formula” and then click OK to open the Formula Editor. The Elements Dock to the left of the Preview macOS x86_64 (10.10以降) Windows; Windows x86_64 (Windows 7以降) 利用できるバージョン. LibreOffice は次のリリースされた バージョンが利用できます: 7.1.2; 7.1.1; 7.0.5; 6.4.7; LibreOffice は次のリリース前の バージョンを利用できます: 古いバージョンのLibreOffice(もう更新され 13/1/2011 · Windows 7: LibreOffice 3.3 Release Candidate 1.
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Apache OpenOffice 4.1.9 is not available for Mobile Devices (ARM processor). Solution: Please select a download for Windows, macOS (OS X) or Linux. LibreOffice LibreOffice 6.4.4 LibreOffice 6.4.4 Is Now Available for Download with 目前微軟免費提供Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 供大家下載,只要你 更新時間:2018/12/08 微軟Windows 7 旗艦版64位元SP1 (繁體中文下載+免費 现在已经是6.0.3版本,LibreOffice仍然是Microsoft Office的主要替代品,它是 会,它致力于使免费的生产力套件成为Microsoft Office更强大的竞争对手。 套件需要Windows 7或更新版本,这意味着Windows XP系统不能再安装它。 Fedora 33希望加强其对64位Arm系统的代码加固 · Fedora已经改进了对64 的链接开始下载. ·新浪本地下载; ·64位-新浪本地下载 日期:2019-02-11. LibreOffice是OpenOffice的一个开源社区版本,功能使用与OpenOffice并无不同。 免费办公软件LibreOffice for Windows 6.2.0 · 查看截图 更新日期:2019-02-11.
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